FU Berlin Neurobiology Department Meeting 2022 – Xin Zhong
FU Berlin Zoology Building Main Lecture Hall Königin-Luise-Str. 1-3, Berlin, GermanyXin Zhong Wernet Lab Title: TBD
Xin Zhong Wernet Lab Title: TBD
Gerit A. Linneweber, PhD Emmy Noether Group Leader, FU Berlin Website: https://www.linneweberlab.com/ Title: Behavioral individuality in Drosophila – The diverse routes to uniqueness
Randolf Menzel, PhD Emeritus Professor for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Website: Menzel Group • Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy (fu-berlin.de) Title: Music in the hive: the body songs of bees and […]
Robin Hiesinger, PhD Professor and Chair for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Website: Hiesinger Lab (flygen.org) Title: How does a neuron decide when and where to make a synapse?
Mathias F. Wernet, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Website: AG Wernet • Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie (fu-berlin.de) Title: The neural circuits for skylight navigation: different modalities & different species
Isa Daumann Hiesinger Lab Title: TBD
Aleksandra Simdianova Wernet Lab Title: TBD