FU Berlin Neurobiology Department Meeting 2022 – Mathias Wernet
FU Berlin Zoology Building Main Lecture Hall Königin-Luise-Str. 1-3, Berlin, GermanyMathias Wernet Wernet Lab Title: Can the connectome tell us anything interesting?
Mathias Wernet Wernet Lab Title: Can the connectome tell us anything interesting?
Bassem Hassan Hassan Lab Title: Counting flies
Robin Hiesinger Hiesinger Lab Title: Target-independent visual map formation in Drosophila
Heidi Roth Wernet Lab Title: Skylight navigation across insects: evolutionary mechanisms optimizing neural circuit structure and function
Wolf-Dietmar Hütteroth, PhD Group Leader, University of Leipzig Title: Voluntary passive movement and its adaptive value' Host: Jana Mach
Gerit Linneweber Linneweber Lab Title: The origins of individuality - diverse routes to uniqueness
Charlotte Wit Hiesinger Lab Title: The role of early pattern formation in the establishment of the Drosophila visual map
Emil Kind Wernet Lab Title: The Connectome of Visual Pathways to the Navigation Center in the Drosophila Brain
Arthur Zhao, PhD Postdoc Reiser Lab, Janelia Research Campus, USA Title: Global organization of local motion detectors Host: Emil Kind
Juliane Uhlhorn Wernet Lab Title: Binocular integration of skylight polarization in Drosophilas optic lobes
Thomas Mathejczyk Linneweber Lab Title: Persistent behavioral traits depend on individual variability and environmental context in Drosophila melanogaster
Isa Daumann Hiesinger Lab Title: The role of RabX4 in neuronal membrane sorting and degradation
Melinda Kehribar Hiesinger Lab Title: Drosophila visual map formation: Molecular mechanisms of early pattern formation
Andrew Plested, PhD Professor of Cellular Biophysics, Humboldt University, Berlin Title: Unexpected Diversity of Neurotransmitter Signaling in the Vertebrate Brain Host: Robin Hiesinger Seminar-AndrewPlested
Abhi Kulkarni Hiesinger Lab "Roughest" path to understand visual system assembly and function
Jana Mach Hiesinger Lab Title: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of behavioral adaptation to developmental temperature in insects