FU Berlin Neurobiology Department Meeting 2022 – Abhi Kulkarni
FU Berlin Zoology Building Main Lecture Hall Königin-Luise-Str. 1-3, Berlin, GermanyAbhi Kulkarni Hiesinger Lab "Roughest" path to understand visual system assembly and function
Abhi Kulkarni Hiesinger Lab "Roughest" path to understand visual system assembly and function
Jana Mach Hiesinger Lab Title: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of behavioral adaptation to developmental temperature in insects
Charles R. Gallistel, PhD Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Ruttgers University, USA Temporal Maps and Associative Learning Host: Randolf Menzel Seminar-RandyGallistel
Christian Klämbt, PhD Director and Professor for Neurobiology, University of Münster Title: Drosophila glial cells modulate neuronal signaling Host: Gerit Linneweber
Egemen Agi Hiesinger Lab Title: Visual map formation without target-dependent guidance in Drosophila
Mathias Wernet, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Title: Inaugural Lecture - A Journey from Neural Circuit Dissection to Drosophila Neuroethology Host: Institute of Biology, FU Berlin Seminar-MathiasWernet
Neele Wolterhoff Hiesinger Lab Title: How promiscuous is synapse formation? A live-imaging approach to quantitatively study “who sees whom” during synaptic partner choice
Muhammad Ali Haidar Linneweber Lab Title: Exploring Circuit Variability Underlying Individual Behavior in Drosophila Melanogaster
Dahlem NeuroSeminar Series - Matthew Larkum, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, Humboldt University Berlin Title: TBD Host: Robin Hiesinger
Marina Mikhaylova, PhD Associate Professor, Humboldt University Berlin Title: Synaptic control of organelle localisation Host: Robin Hiesinger, Helge Ewers
Charlotte Helfrich-Förster, PhD Professorin für Neurobiologie, Universität Würzburg Title: About the circadian clock network of Drosophila melanogaster and its putative connections to photoreceptors and downstream targets in the central brain […]
Benjamin Judkewitz, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, Charite Berlin Title: The smallest vertebrate brain knows how to sing Host: Robin Hiesinger
Xin Zhong Wernet Lab Title: TBD
Gerit A. Linneweber, PhD Emmy Noether Group Leader, FU Berlin Website: https://www.linneweberlab.com/ Title: Behavioral individuality in Drosophila – The diverse routes to uniqueness
Ansgar Büschges, PhD Professor and Chair for Animal Physiology, University of Cologne Website: AG Büschges: Büschges Group (uni-koeln.de) Title: Neural Control of Posture and Locomotion - from systems to networks […]
Avihu Klar, PhD Professor, Hebrew University Website: Prof. Avihu Klar (huji.ac.il) Title: Evolution of neural circuits – a bird’s eye view Host: Constanze Scharff
Randolf Menzel, PhD Emeritus Professor for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Website: Menzel Group • Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy (fu-berlin.de) Title: Music in the hive: the body songs of bees and […]
Robin Hiesinger, PhD Professor and Chair for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Website: Hiesinger Lab (flygen.org) Title: How does a neuron decide when and where to make a synapse?
Mathias F. Wernet, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Website: AG Wernet • Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie (fu-berlin.de) Title: The neural circuits for skylight navigation: different modalities & different species
Bassem Hassan, PhD Professor and Scientific Director, ICM Paris Website: Team "Brain Development" - Institut du Cerveau (institutducerveau-icm.org) Title: Probabilistic axon targeting dynamics and individualized brain wiring
Filipe Pinto-Teixeira, PhD Group leader, University of Toulouse Website: Pinto Teixeira Lab Title: Neural Control of Posture and Locomotion - from systems to networks to neurons and back
Margret Bülow, PhD Junior research group leader, Limes Institute Bonn Website: Margret Bülow: Neuronal Cell Metabolism - Limes-Institut-Bonn Title: Organelle contact sites in neuron physiology and function
Bertram Gerber PhD Professor for Genetics of Behavior, LIN and University of Magdeburg Website: Abteilung Genetik von Lernen & Gedächtnis am Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie » Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN) […]
Alex Jaworski, PhD Professor Neuroscience, Brown University Title: Novel ligand-receptor interactions for axon guidance and neural circuit assembly.
Kei Ito, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, University of Cologne Website: AG Ito: AG Ito (uni-koeln.de) Title: TBD
Isa Daumann Hiesinger Lab Title: TBD
Peter Soba, PhD Heisenberg Professor for Neurophysiology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Website: Soba lab - Home Title: Neuromodulation on the fly: acute and state-dependent regulation of neuronal network function and behavior
Daniel Colon-Ramos, PhD Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology at Yale University School of Medicine Website: https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/daniel-colon-ramos/ Title: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of synaptic assembly: lessons from C. elegans
Aleksandra Simdianova Wernet Lab Title: TBD
Behavioral Individuality as a Neuroscientific Variable - Libby Zhang Chair: Libby Zhang Institution: Stanford University Co-Chair: Kevin Chen Institution: Princeton Neuroscience Institute Date & Time: Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 2pm - […]
Stefan Rotter, PhD Professor for Computational Neuroscience, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg Website: https://www.bio.uni-freiburg.de/ag/rotter Title: TBA
Arend Hintze, PhD Professor Microdata Analysis, Dalarna University Website: https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/daniel-colon-ramos/ Title: Experiments in Artificial Life in the Light of Natural Science