FU Berlin Neurobiology Department Meeting 2022 – Egemen Agi
FU Berlin Zoology Building Main Lecture Hall Königin-Luise-Str. 1-3, Berlin, GermanyEgemen Agi Hiesinger Lab Title: Visual map formation without target-dependent guidance in Drosophila
Egemen Agi Hiesinger Lab Title: Visual map formation without target-dependent guidance in Drosophila
Mathias Wernet, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Title: Inaugural Lecture - A Journey from Neural Circuit Dissection to Drosophila Neuroethology Host: Institute of Biology, FU Berlin Seminar-MathiasWernet
Neele Wolterhoff Hiesinger Lab Title: How promiscuous is synapse formation? A live-imaging approach to quantitatively study “who sees whom” during synaptic partner choice
Muhammad Ali Haidar Linneweber Lab Title: Exploring Circuit Variability Underlying Individual Behavior in Drosophila Melanogaster
Dahlem NeuroSeminar Series - Matthew Larkum, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, Humboldt University Berlin Title: TBD Host: Robin Hiesinger
Marina Mikhaylova, PhD Associate Professor, Humboldt University Berlin Title: Synaptic control of organelle localisation Host: Robin Hiesinger, Helge Ewers
Charlotte Helfrich-Förster, PhD Professorin für Neurobiologie, Universität Würzburg Title: About the circadian clock network of Drosophila melanogaster and its putative connections to photoreceptors and downstream targets in the central brain […]
Benjamin Judkewitz, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, Charite Berlin Title: The smallest vertebrate brain knows how to sing Host: Robin Hiesinger
Xin Zhong Wernet Lab Title: TBD
Gerit A. Linneweber, PhD Emmy Noether Group Leader, FU Berlin Website: https://www.linneweberlab.com/ Title: Behavioral individuality in Drosophila – The diverse routes to uniqueness
Ansgar Büschges, PhD Professor and Chair for Animal Physiology, University of Cologne Website: AG Büschges: Büschges Group (uni-koeln.de) Title: Neural Control of Posture and Locomotion - from systems to networks […]
Avihu Klar, PhD Professor, Hebrew University Website: Prof. Avihu Klar (huji.ac.il) Title: Evolution of neural circuits – a bird’s eye view Host: Constanze Scharff
Randolf Menzel, PhD Emeritus Professor for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Website: Menzel Group • Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy (fu-berlin.de) Title: Music in the hive: the body songs of bees and […]
Robin Hiesinger, PhD Professor and Chair for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Website: Hiesinger Lab (flygen.org) Title: How does a neuron decide when and where to make a synapse?
Mathias F. Wernet, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, FU Berlin Website: AG Wernet • Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie (fu-berlin.de) Title: The neural circuits for skylight navigation: different modalities & different species
Bassem Hassan, PhD Professor and Scientific Director, ICM Paris Website: Team "Brain Development" - Institut du Cerveau (institutducerveau-icm.org) Title: Probabilistic axon targeting dynamics and individualized brain wiring
Filipe Pinto-Teixeira, PhD Group leader, University of Toulouse Website: Pinto Teixeira Lab Title: Neural Control of Posture and Locomotion - from systems to networks to neurons and back
Margret Bülow, PhD Junior research group leader, Limes Institute Bonn Website: Margret Bülow: Neuronal Cell Metabolism - Limes-Institut-Bonn Title: Organelle contact sites in neuron physiology and function
Bertram Gerber PhD Professor for Genetics of Behavior, LIN and University of Magdeburg Website: Abteilung Genetik von Lernen & Gedächtnis am Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie » Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN) […]
Alex Jaworski, PhD Professor Neuroscience, Brown University Title: Novel ligand-receptor interactions for axon guidance and neural circuit assembly.
Kei Ito, PhD Professor for Neurobiology, University of Cologne Website: AG Ito: AG Ito (uni-koeln.de) Title: TBD
Isa Daumann Hiesinger Lab Title: TBD
Peter Soba, PhD Heisenberg Professor for Neurophysiology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Website: Soba lab - Home Title: Neuromodulation on the fly: acute and state-dependent regulation of neuronal network function and behavior
Daniel Colon-Ramos, PhD Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology at Yale University School of Medicine Website: https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/daniel-colon-ramos/ Title: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of synaptic assembly: lessons from C. elegans
Aleksandra Simdianova Wernet Lab Title: TBD
Behavioral Individuality as a Neuroscientific Variable - Libby Zhang Chair: Libby Zhang Institution: Stanford University Co-Chair: Kevin Chen Institution: Princeton Neuroscience Institute Date & Time: Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 2pm - […]
Stefan Rotter, PhD Professor for Computational Neuroscience, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg Website: https://www.bio.uni-freiburg.de/ag/rotter Title: TBA
Arend Hintze, PhD Professor Microdata Analysis, Dalarna University Website: https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/daniel-colon-ramos/ Title: Experiments in Artificial Life in the Light of Natural Science
Johannes Felsenberg, PhD Group leader FMI Basel Website: https://www.fmi.ch/research-groups/groupleader.html?group=141 Title: Why not be colorful: Total recall in tiny brains – from recovery of forgotten memory to implanting false information in […]