Join us
Interested in joining the lab?
Our lab is based in the Zoology Building of the Freie University of Berlin. The building is located on Koenigin-Luise-Str. 1-3, 14195 Berlin. In house, we have a fantastic fly community consisting of the labs of Robin Hiesinger, Mathias Wernet, Sophie Armitage, and our lab.
We are always looking for highly motivated scientists to join our lab. If you are interested in our research and you would like to join us, please contact Gerit to discuss the ongoing projects and opportunities! In addition, formal job offers are regularly posted on this and the university homepage.
Post-doctoral scientists
We currently do not have any open vacancies. Nevertheless, if you are interested in what we are doing, maybe you even have a good idea; there is always the possibility to apply together for a postdoctoral fellowship as the Marie-Curie, EMBO, or the FU Berlin-specific Rising Star. Please get in touch with Gerit, including a CV.
PhD students
We currently have no advertised vacancies, but there are multiple Ph.D. programs in Berlin and FU Berlin. If you are interested in joining the lab as a Ph.D. student, get in touch with Gerit to discuss future opportunities.
Undergraduate and Master students
We accept applications for MSc BSc research projects, Erasmus internships, etc., all year long. Please get in touch with Gerit to discuss possible projects.